DK UCH, SE UCH, FI UCH, NORD UCH Lappizaros Malou SE16173/2012 (e: Månskimrans Golden Gimli e: Lappizaros Emira)
"Muffy" (or Puffling") Mother of our A-litter, C-litter and F-litter.
ED: 0/0
Eyes: ok ´18
prcd-PRA B
Muffy was born at Lappizaros kennel in Kil, in Värmland, Sweden and is our first Finnish Lapphund. She is an independent and fearless lady with the on-off switch distictive of the breed.
As a puppy, she was somewhat difficult to motivate but has changed a lot since; she has matured and shows a great affection for all the members of our family, animal as well as human. She loves people, especially children. However, she also wants to keep other bitches in their place. She is the best mom of alla bitches, she loves alla puppies (and kittens) and raises them in a lovingly and playful way.
We pursue different activities such as agility and blood tracking. Muffy enjoys everything but most of all agility, Muffy's mistress is not particularly interested in competing so Muffy herself hasn't been trained specifically in this way. However, we have been quite diligent in the show ring and intend to continue in this way.
Please see Muffy's pedigree on SKK's page.
Pufflingens Briza SE40392/2016 (e: Lecibsin Kasperi u: Lapprikets Senja)
We kept Briza from our B-litter. Our little darling who is my sons dog and lives at home. Briza is a wild track campion and the mother of our F-litter and our I-litter.
Please see her pedigree here.
ED 0/0
Eyes ok ´18, ´22
prcd-PRA A
pompes a
Pufflingens Filipendula SE15124/2019 (e: Mikälie Naseva u: Pufflingens Briza)
ED 0/0
eyes ok ´21
prcd-PRA a
pompes a
DM a
please see her pedigree here:
Pufflingens Hepatica SE57267/2019 (e: Lumikki Erke u: Pufflingens Cassiope)
ED 0/0
eyes ok 22'
prcd-PRA B
pompes A
please see her pedigree here:
Pufflingens Knautia SE71639/2021 (e:Pufflingens Aconitum u: Pufflingens Filipendula)
pompes a
DM a
please see her pedigree here:
Pufflingens Lunaria SE17814/2022 (e:Lapinpeikon Täydellinen Toveri u: Pufflingens Cassiope)
pompes a
Please see her pedigree here: